Full list of Services

  • Designate TSCC as your Health and Safety Advisor
  • Health & Safety Policy relevant for your business
  • Updates on Legislation and Industry Best Practice
  • H&S Audits
  • Site Safety Inspections
  • PQQ’s Documentation Support
  • Health & Safety Documentation
  • 24/7 Health and Safety Support
  • Fire Survey’s and risk assessments
  • RAMS Support and documentation
  • Documentation review
  • COSHH Advise and documentation
  • RIDDOR Support
  • Noise Surveys
  • H&S Training
  • ISO Support and Guidance
  • Behavioural Safety Leadership
  • CDM Management
  • Environmental Management
  • Subcontractor onboarding, vetting and monitoring
  • ISO Guidance and Quality Audit Schedule

Health & Safety Management Packages

Our packaged service is a perfect way to make sure you and your company are correctly covered and advised every year.

To make things easy for you, we have put together 3 service packages for you to choose from. To enquire about the different options available please contact the team.

CHAS, Safe contractor and Constuction line – Application service

If you are looking at applying for CHAS, Safe Contractor and Construction line. We can support you with your application. For this service we will prepare your application, liaise with the governing body on your behalf and make sure that the governing body understands how you and your business works. Answering important questions, making sure the process is as simple as possible. If your application falls short on any topic we can then advise what you need to do to achieve your accreditation.

Safety Audits & Reports

Independent Safety Audits are always a good and constructive way to make sure you are achieving the standards required.  We can audit your company, work place or building site and give you a full report based on our findings. As a company we are here to help you improve and not to cause you problems. So if it is a one off audit that you require or you require a number of audits throughout the year or in different locations. We can provide that service to you within a package or as a one off requirement.

Fire Risk Assessments

An Employer (and/or building owners or occupiers) have a legal duty to carry out a fire safety risk assessment. This assessment must be reviewed and amended on a regular basis.

Based on the findings of the assessment, employers need to ensure that adequate and appropriate fire safety measures are in place to minimise the risk of injury or loss of life in the event of a fire. The law
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 covers general fire safety in England and Wales.

In the majority of premises, local fire and rescue authorities are responsible for enforcing this fire safety legislation. HSE has enforcement responsibility on construction sites, for nuclear premises, and on ships under construction or undergoing repair.

The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) require employers to assess the risk of fires and explosions arising from work activities involving dangerous substances, and to eliminate or reduce these risks.

Risk Assessments and Method Statements

It is a legal requirement for businesses to carryout risk assessments for their work place and for any tasks that are being under taken. Here at The Safety Consultants Co, we can assist you by advising and putting the correct documentation in place and advising when and what is required.

We can assist you in a number of ways, we can work with you on putting these documents together, provide templates and guidance or offer training to assist you and your employees to be able to complete this documentation confidently and correctly.


As an employer you have a legal responsibilty to provide training for any employees that you have. We offer a wide range of accredated, none accredated, bespoke and e-learning courses. Please see our most popular courses

  • First Aid
  • IOSH Managing Safely
  • Face Fit Testing
  • Fire Safety
  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Needle Stick
  • IPAF – MEWP training
  • Asbestos None licenced removal
  • Spill Kit training
  • PASMA – Aluminimum Tower training
  • Plant training
  • Working at height
  • Manual handling
  • Abrasive Wheel training
  • Harness
  • Ladders & Steps
  • Cat & Genny
  • Roof top Safety
  • Fork lift
  • SEAT’s (Enviromental)
  • Scaffold inspection
  • SMSTS – Site Management Safety training
  • Electrical Safe isolation
  • RAMS Training
  • SSSTS – Site Supervisor Safety Training
  • PAT training
  • Accident investigation
  • Health & Safety Awareness
  • E-learning

Policies and procedures

Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 every employer has a legal duty to have a Health and Safety Policy. If you have five or more employees this must be written down and available to employees. The Safety Consultants Company Ltd can work with you to complete this. With your help we will be able to write a full Health and Safety policy which will include;

  • A Health and Safety Policy Statement
  • Organisation Structure. (How health and safety matters are reported from employees all the way up to the Managing Directors/CEO)
  • Health and Safety responsibilities
  • How you will satisfy the current regulations that apply to your business


The Safety Consultants Company Ltd can help your business comply with The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (CoSHH), by working with you and your employees to complete CoSHH assessments for any hazardous substance you will be using. This would invole;

  • Looking at all your processes and activities that involve hazardous substances
  • Liase with yourselves and employees on how you use/store/dispose of these
  • Contact manufacturers for their Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Behavioural Safety Leadership

Behavioural safety is becoming an industry benchmark when evaluating the importance of a positive work environment and the direct link between accidents at work.

Our trained and qualified consultants are on hand to help drive a better health and safety culture within your business by providing a framework to develop improved communication and reporting. We can provide coaching for senior members of staff to ensure better understanding.

CDM Management

Whether you are a contractor or a principal contractor, designer or client, our team have experience working directly in the roles and working directly as health and safety representatives managing those roles. Our team can offer services including the creation of pre-construction and construction phase health and safety documentation, such as design risk assessments and construction phase plans as well as CDM compliance inspections.

Environmental Management

An ever-increasing subject with demand for companies to develop and implement processes to reduce impacts on the environment, both locally and globally. Our qualified consultants can provide advice and guidance relevant to your business to help you create a strategy reasonable for you. This can include looking at your business as a whole and identifying key processes that impact the environment, with plans designed to drive improvement and reduction. This can include, waste management plans, aspect and impact registers, toolbox talks and awareness training.

Subcontractor onboarding, vetting and monitoring

Management of sub-contractors is required in all industries, in all sectors where sub-contractors are used. Employers must ensure that due diligence has been carried out and that anyone working on their behalf is working to the imposed standards set. Working with you, our consultants can help create your company standard to which all contractors must adhere, advice on vetting requirements to perform adequate due diligence and actively monitor any sub-contractors working on your behalf with specific company inspections and follow up reports.

ISO Guidance and Quality Audit Schedule

ISO accreditations help companies by giving them a competitive edge and ensuring they are compliant to the highest standards in terms of quality delivered services. Our consultants have first-hand experience in internal quality auditing and management systems. If you are looking to develop your business management system or are thinking of applying for the ISO accreditation, our team of consultants can offer guidance on ISO clauses and can pre-audit your systems to ensure gaps are identified and filled before application.

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